people are going to see the word “refugee” and use that as fuel for the xenophobic policies being pushed by fascist-right. Not taking in to context that he’s prob been in Columbus since the 90's.
people are going to see the word “refugee” and use that as fuel for the xenophobic policies being pushed by fascist-right. Not taking in to context that he’s prob been in Columbus since the 90's.
But WHICH 1,000 words? A bumper sticker that says “Trump That Bitch,” or “Make America Great Again,” is more political or rather more clear than a t shirt of say, Trump eating Pizza with a fork, with no words. The shirt could mean anything, and if you’re going to go out if your way to criticize the person wearing the…
The context is he’s been wearing a series of Malcolm X shirts, and this was one of them. I don’t think there is enough there to write a scathing piece where the writer projects political views and makes assumptions about someone’a intelligence.
Right? As if people are fleeing to the US from Cuba because of the educational institutions and not say, the perceived economic opportunity.
You keep saying he expresses his opinion as a childish jackass but that actually isn’t true. He’s been pretty active in elaborating on his opinions as well as actually supporting causes he believes in with actual work and money. The issue is you have an issue with Kap, his team-shirt isn’t the problem.
Haha, my point was about the extreme and frankly not very journalistic way in which Salgueros went about it. I don’t understand how you don’t just try and interview someone immediately. Other than that I’m fine with Kap being criticized once that happens, lol.
HE NEVER STATED AN OPINION. What kind of journalist just assumes they know what someone believes retuer, than you know, investigating?
If they’re the equivalent of Internet memes then why respond to them as if they’re nuanced expressions of political beliefs? Can’t have it both ways.
I think he was trying to dodge the question, and just did it awkwardly. “I don’t know if it was coincidence or it,” was probably something that sounded good, but if you really think about it doesn’t make sense for that question, lol.
I agree with all of that.
The context of the photo on the t-shirt, genius.
This would be a fair criticism if he hadn’t already been speaking out. And if you feel the t-shirt is so lazy, isn’t writing a piece condemning the wearer, while assuming you know their political beliefs pointless, and just as lazy? Like, he could have just tried to interview Kao and figure out what he truly does or…
I understand that if you talk about Castro you can’t just talk about one thing. But look at Kap’s statement. He never outright gives Fidel praise. He gives Malcolm praise and then expresses beliefs in universal healthcare and education. Concepts that anyone can believe in, independent of Fidel Castro. Those are not…
Not really. Context is key. Wearing that shirt isn’t a good enough reason to put words in someone’s mouth and start assuming what they do or don’t know. That reporter immediately attacked Kaeparnick, who is honestly an easy target at this point, and the only reason it’s even a story is Fidel coincidentally died 5…
He wasn’t using a t-shirt to make a political point. The reporter in Miami, was.
Hau is a rival in the sense that he’s an ally that helps push you forward. Like Kakashi and Guy.
Teams now go for offensive rebounds a lot less than they did in the past. It also makes sense for OKC to get the ball in his hands as early as possible so if he gets the rebound that just speeds up the process.
A few years ago a former porn star named Jessie Rogers talked about a hugely traumatic experience/rape that happened to her off camera by someone in the industry who had a reputation. Left her in the hospital. She never said Dean by name but basically implied it was him through description. Dude seems to have been a…
There was an extremely brief window at the beginning of the season where the Nets and the Celtics look like they traded places. Everything seems to have calibrated back to normal, as we head to the quarter-way mark of the season.