Can’t get into CG models for everything. Just drives home how little they move!
How long before they realize they can use the term “Xclusive” and not have to have an actual “exclusive” game?
It’s not that serious Kurt Echinwald.
Mickstape is darn good. I followed Tyler pre-Barstool so he and PFT are the only reason I’ve come across them
2 women in 60 years. 0 black women. Not sure how many black men. When does the “gradual process” start?
didn’t du just lose to xiaohai @ eleague.
:/ has “increased power” for creatures, specifically, but even this, I think, is misleading.
If you have a Nintendo Switch you probably love it. Just the right size and weight with a screen that’s sharp and…
Who cares? This NBA season was fun as hell. There were a ton of great, fun, entertaining story lines and tons of great basketball. The postseason was kind of a dud, but so what? It happens. But it’s not like it’s part of a long term trend - last year the playoffs were superb.
“...........headlock” is maybe the best thing Orton has ever done.
Yes, that was also LeBron in white-face locking up Curry in the final :30.
Well, they do have a Captain Falcon Mii outfit. Not the same, but at least it’s something. It does seem odd to have the tracks, but not the character associated with them.
He... uh... hasn’t been shy in public. Which is the point of the article. Everyone was surprised to see him play so professionally and NOT teabag his opponents.
He doesn’t take himself seriously and neither should you.
I ranted about this in Slack, but what bothers me about these bullshit foul calls the most (because I am the kind of weirdo who thinks about things in these terms) is: They’re not penalizing defenders for breaking basketball rules. They’re affirmatively rewarding offensive players for successfully play-acting.
LeBron is a victim of the internet. We’re bored. We have news CONSTANTLY thrown at us. Remember when ESPN/SportsCenter was relatively new and even that was a step up but that was once a night or morning. Prior to that it was just the news and newspapers.
But now it’s literally just hot takes and stats and gifs and…
Nene was awesome. I was rooting for OKC, but was sad he got that 4th foul that pulled him from the game during that stretch.
I don’t know that I’ve ever had such mixed feelings on a potential MVP. It’s clear that Russ needs to carry the bulk of the load. However, some of the shots he takes are just soooo terrible. But,…
Remember how everyone thought Westbrook’s surrounding cast was just as good as Harden’s? Those people should be publicly shamed every day at noon until the start of next season.