
I think I read in an interview (might have been with AV Club, recently) where he said he tends not to turn down any projects offered to him. Gotta imagine that amount of output can make the overall quality suffer. Because there is no way he isn’t working on multiple things at once.

I’ve lived in both places (don’t ask, it was a weird internship/career path) and the differences felt arbritrary as far as weaker outside of maybe more daylight. Racism in Minneapolis was worse too but that’s another thing.

Millennium is in that picture like, “and i’d have gotten away with it if it weren’t for you meddling kids.”

No, it depends on the city. Because a city like Duluth, Minnesota (seen in Fargo) has more average Snowfall than Cleveland and bigger snow storms per Snowfall.

Seems like you don’t actually know anything about Minnesota. Specially if you think it snows less than Cleveland.

USFIV was 5th version of the game. The original SFIV roster was no where near that.

It was far from a lock. Especially considering Punk is the reason Tokido was sent to losers in top16. And considering how the grand finals set started out, yeah, I’d say it wasn’t a lock at all. the pressure got to Punk. He knew what he had to do to win but on that grand of a stage, it is easy to get in your own head.

This is false, on pretty much every level. This isn’t the first time BlazBlue games have been at EVO. Not the first major Central Fiction tournament.

I think Naruto needs a fire emblem style JRPG. They have the crazy amount of characters and untouched story potential for it too.

No no, that was his BROTHER, the inventor of the graham cracker. The Kellogg guy was like, “have fun not masturbating dude. Imma take this graham cracker, sprinkle some sugar on it and make a fuck ton of money.”

I didn’t see it mentioned in the article, but that player Jake Lyon did a blog post going in depth about what he feels are the problems with SR and how he would improve it. Definitely worth reading in addition to the video.

SAme. And that cell shaded style looks horrible with anime because the characters’ faces don’t have enough dimension. It’s like whole parts of their faces aren’t there in certain angles.

Batman, whether a human version or in mecha form, using a mini gun seems to completely miss a major part of the character’a identity. But that’s par for the course, lately.

Lmao this won’t get enough stars.

Change to the bound system helped. I think she got some better lows in 7, too, in 6/Tag 2 it felt like she never had enough good lows to mixup her pressure.

The problem tho, is you have to navigate his SF concepts while trying to figure out tekken’s robust mechanics and fundamentals. He’s not really beginner friendly. But to be honest, I’m of the mindset, play which ever character makes you the most motivated to learn the game, no matter how difficult they are.

She has been significantly buffed in this version. So much so that the current consensus in Korea and Japan’s arcade scenes is that she is top 3.

Same to all of that.

I don’t like Barstool Sports that much, but I do love the Mickstape podcast. Coley and Tyler are hilarious. TylerIam is probably one of my favorite follows on twitter.

He literally never blamed the loss on the resolution.The headline update is some snarky bullshit.