
Well, Sandmann sure doesn't speak like someone who has been heavily coached on what to say. That unblinking stare just shows he's speaking from the heart.

“I don’t think the President would be that petty, do you?” *sucks teeth*

He can blame it on the Dems and go “Look see! I tried, those damned Dems stopped it!” much like Trump has been doing the entire time. Plus he doesn’t have to risk angering the base who would primary his ass for defying Dear Leader.

Mitch McConnell, who derisively said he wouldn’t hold any show votes for bills he knows the president won’t sign, is prepared to cynically hold a show vote he knows the House won’t sign.

Too true, Ohio was one of the republican controlled states that expanded medicaid coverage after all. It’s actually kinda weird that he’s fence sitting if you discount the whole “who is paying for his campaigning” angle.

Interestingly, the fetishization (is that a word?) of cops and firefighters in the NYC area after 9/11 apparently didn’t include taking care of their health. Jon Stewart had to call out and embarrass the republicans repeatedly to get the Zadroga Act passed. 9/11, patriotism, no kneeling, etc etc but the Republicans

Eloquent words.

Hear that MAGA bros? AOC and the libs are coming for your God given rights to ringworm!

Look, I know it’s a troll. Every once in awhile I’ll fuck with a few of them for my own entertainment. You don’t have to tell me who or what they are. I didn’t find my way out of the greys for nothing.

Try harder, dumb-dumb.

I’m more than happy with 45 keeping his mouth publicly shut tomorrow and not somehow making it about himself. i’m sure there’ll be an awkward and offensive tweet or three.

Look, he’s doing everything he can every day to take this country back to the era that made Martin Luther King Jr.’s work necessary, ok?

Pence said Martin Luther King Jr but he is a stupid, evil man and is easily confused.

Pence looks and acts like a guy who knows the bill for his deal with the devil is coming soon and he’s just going through the motions until the hammer falls. 

Side thought, not one directly related: he is looking rough in photos of him lately. Not that he ever looked attractive, nor put together, but he’s clearly showing some significant signs of aging and stress only two years into his first term.

What the president thinks of as “negotiation” is what the rest of the world, correctly, refers to as “ultimatums.”

All this.

What the president thinks of as “negotiation” is what the rest of the world, correctly, refers to as “ultimatums.”

“I want to burn your house down.”