Ann Coulter, who along with Rush Limbaugh reportedly was mostly responsible for convincing Trump to embark on a government shutdown 29 days ago over the border wall, criticized Trump’s proposal on Saturday
Ann Coulter, who along with Rush Limbaugh reportedly was mostly responsible for convincing Trump to embark on a government shutdown 29 days ago over the border wall, criticized Trump’s proposal on Saturday
I would like to hear more about see-through steel.
Seems to me that Ann Coulter’s tweet proves she doesn’t understand the difference between a citizen and someone who happens to be in the area the time.
Hey, this is really good point. I never really considered their actual dedication to this ideal — I assume that since they are all acting like it’s a good idea to drown the gubmint in a bathtub, that’s what they really wanted. But your theory is such a good one.
What they really need is a Trump™ golf course - then it’s Fed funding out the wazoo!
He’s made it clear a million times that he thinks Puerto Rico isn’t “really” part of America and shouldn’t get a penny of federal money. So it’s depressing to get even more explicit confirmation of the fact, but hardly surprising. What a shitbird.
For a guy who misused money all his life and had his daddy help him out, he seems very against (in his own head) about people misusing money. This guy. His worldview is trash.
I know it’ll crush him to pay Jeff Bezos, but he needs to hit Amazon and order…
Let’s get Donnie in to the federal institution that can give him the help and protection that he needs and justice demands.
“Why can’t we get a deal?” -
Oh shit, I’d better build a fence!
“It’s not high treason, it’s alternative loyalty.”
I’m right there with them up to this:
I was going to make a joke about circlejerking but then realized even that would be an accomplishment far beyond what they’ve actually managed.
The good news for Barron is that by the time he hits his mid 20s his dad will probably be dead. All he has to do is develop the type of high-end opiate addiction typical of the talentless youngest children of worthless aristocrats and he might even barely remember him at all. How I envy Barron Trump.
It’s not important to your point, but from this I was reminded that this 72 year old has a 12 year old son, not his grandson. That he ostensibly was playing with.
Jesus, Christ. This is Donald Trump, who bragged about how you’d never see him pushing a baby carriage in Central Park. The man doesn’t interract with children (and every single staged children’s event at the WH for the last two years has been proof of that).
He’s got a barbecue sauce IV.
Thats actually a Junior size bandage.
As you might expect, Sarah Huckabee Sanders had a very normal explanation for Trump’s bloodied hand: He, at 72 years old, was roughhousing with his 12-year-old son Barron.