
I wonder how many women have latched onto Junior only to have Dad decide he wants them for himself.

Indict him? The deplorables probably think he is going to follow the lead of John Quincy Adams and George W Bush.

He doesn’t have the charisma to bullshit his way through the business world like his dad has. So he reaches out to all the things that he’s been told is what makes a man manly, because he is not intelligent/clever enough to fool his dad into thinking of him as a capable heir to the throne. But, at least he understands

I ski and do some photography, I would say there is a 99% chance they are posing and had the camera guy hold it at an angle to make it seem that steep. You can make a green run look like a sheer drop with the right angle. 

You can definitely make that argument. We are talking about a state that was kept in the Union in no small part due to the troops on Federal Hill ready to shell downtown Baltimore should Maryland secede (and the state song refers to Lincoln as a tyrant as a result). On the other hand, Lee twice pushed north into

I think a few years ago Maryland tried to classify itself as mid Atlantic or north east to separate itself from this nonsense

Try living in Upstate NY and seeing all of the Confederate flags up here...all with the excuse that it’s just a symbol for being a redneck.  Not a racist bone in their body, nosiree.  Why, they even work with a guy who’s black, so they can’t be racist.

But as this continues in VA, it’s looking more and more like the top 3 may end up on the curb, VA will fall to Repub hands due to some real gerrymandering shit that got them the state House/Senate/whatever the fuck it is. This can’t happen. One of those 3 have to dig in, say fuck it, and stand up through their process

Those MAGA shitheads who got so comfortable ignoring every last thing except their desire to see the other side lose? You just crossed the first mental threshold they did. There’s always going to be a reason to cross the next one too

Went to a family reunion a couple years ago down in the Tidewater area where my folks grew up. Caught up with a cousin that I hadn’t seen in over twenty years. He’d joined the military, traveled the world, retired, and settled down out west. As we’re talking about why we’d moved to various other parts of the country

Yep. Agree with you though. The prevailing notion here in Richmond has started to shift towards the Gov not resigning.

I’ve been pondering this for a while so I’ll throw it to the internet and see what everyone else thinks. (1) What is a “credible accusation”; and (2) what are we (the public) to do with credible accusations? Clearly this was a big issue during Dr. Ford’s testimony on the Kavanaugh confirmation, and I feel

Somewhat related... I’ve discussed having MAGA-as-fuck coworkers before. One comes in today, the ring leader, and says to the others, “Did you hear the news today?” and another says he hadn’t. We’re in Virginia, btw. Ring leader informs the other of the AG coming out and saying he blackfaced in 1980. They all laugh,

*The Speaker of the House (Kirk Cox) is 4th in line.

The Governor isn’t going anywhere. The 2nd and 3rd replacements are a guy with a credible accusation of rape against him and a guy who also admitted to wearing blackface. The Republican State Senate Majority Leader is the 4th replacement. Unless the other two resign first, so suitable replacements can be put in before


lol, no.

Change those boys to Muslim and Mr Phillips to a white Christian and this all plays out very, very, differently......

Probably saving blind orphans from an illegal alien caused opioid fire.

That whole group was. That group of dipshit dancing teens hooting and hollering and causing a scene was just them “showing their school spirit” in their MAGA hats.