This is beyond stupid, because unless they just happened to be on their way out the door to go conduct an op, someone ordered them to kit up for this. Which also means nobody was willing to tell Trump that this was a major breach of OpSec to do so.
Cowardly fat-ass and chickenhawk in chief Trump abuses American servicemen as props to cover for his failed presidency.
Looks like the Dreaded Rear Admiral called it...
Trump is a coward. True patriots died in that stupid war instead of him.
“Born in the USA” also delivers a similarly powerful message but, unfortunately, because of it’s upbeat tempo and catchy chorus, too many idiots (MANY on the right wing) think it’s some kind of ass kicking rock and roll anthem of American patriotism, instead of the story of desperation of forgotten veterans, whose…
I have said before that “Fortunate Son” by Creedence Clearwater Revival is THE Quintessential American song, and 50 years after it was recorded it is more important than ever to realize, they knew it then...
I’m just grateful that nobody has invented an inexpensive device that anyone can build with adequate pieces of wood that would allow a person to scale a wall.
I thought the administration had a ready supply…
Melania will suffice.
The person you’re responding do does little except troll all of kinja with racist as hell comments, with occasionally some heavy sexism thrown in for flavor. Trying to get them not to say “cuck” is probably a losing battle.
You may or may not be right. But most of those supporting the above policy changes run as “conservative Christian” candidates, or vote for them. In fact, a great many hold themselves up as model Christians, adherents to “God’s Law.”
Attacking food stamps ain’t no different than...building that wall.
THESE ARE ALL GREAT! I’m not sure that exactly how he goes is important, but let’s just have him kick off in some ignominious way. The next part is what’s important: Cheney travels, via cinematic or quantum magic, to the world in which Dickens’ A Christmas Carol is set. He suffers the same fate as Jacob Marley,…
Cheney is in a room with Don, Don Jr, and Eric Trump. When Trump gives the order to shoot Cheney, Eric shoots Don Jr. “Wrong Don, Dumbass,” Cheney yells. Donald panics as he realizes he’s been outsmarted and double crossed. He’s shot in the back as he waddles toward the door.
He dies surrounded by his loved ones. All rich and successful because of him. All sad to see him go. They each tell him how much they love him and grateful for him. He smiles, knowing that he set up his family for generations. He touches and kisses his grand children, proud of the future he gave them. Then as all of…
He is waterboarded to death. Trump gives his eulogy. Lynne Cheney, fed up, shoots Trump, wounding him only but putting him in a coma he won’t wake up from. While she’s in jail, Donj and Eric come up with a scheme to get arrested and join her in a women’s prison for revenge. Both are immediately discovered and put in…
“I can guarantee this truth: Whatever you did for one of my brothers or sisters, no matter how unimportant they seemed, you did for me.”
Low down Don. Sad AF. Right at Christmas. Orange ass grinch!
Ugh. I nearly got into a shouting match with my Uncle at Christmas Eve yesterday over the Orange idiot. My uncle, a man I considered intelligent, told me I watch to much CNN, that the democrats causes the shutdown, climate change is fake and that if he had 5 billion he’d give it to Trump to build his wall. Shit…