
The market free-fall probably has a salutary effect: well-heeled donors pissed off at losing millions every hour are probably calling what passes for Republican Party leaders and demanding that the cranky toddler must either be brought under control or kicked out.

That many unpaid workers is infuriating. Through absolutely zero fault of their own. This country is such trash sometimes.

The negotiating tactic of the hack businessman is to agree to something in principle, then back out at the last second when the other party is perceived to be up against it.

380,000 federal workers will be sent home without pay, and another 420,000 will be made to work without pay

“It’s an interesting strategy, Cotton. Let’s see how it works out for him.”

A small compensation will be seeing that sorry fat ass compelled to stay in a place he thinks is a dump rather than at Castel Godawful.

Policy differences aside, this is just fucking stupid.

And his imbecilic supporters will keep on keeping on even as he bankrupts them (too).

This Administration has instituted a proven process for asylum seekers...

And the stock markets have tanked again. I don’t put much faith in stock markets anyhow but given how reliant on them things like pension funds are the fact he’s practically wiped out any progress of the last two years (while Obama left office with an up of >200%) and likely trigger a recession is yet another signal

Please please please Dems....loudly and constantly remind the public that this is the TRUMP SHUTDOWN™. That Prezdint Slats Pissbaby is trying to waste billions of dollars on absurd fearmongering not actual security.

I look forward to the many news stories juxtaposing unpaid federal workers with pics of Trump’s X-mas golf games.

He has the memory and skin tone of a diseased goldfish.

When will they get around to revealing how much money he pays for likes on his tweets?

You can have a secure border without wasting billions on a fence dummy. No one anywhere is calling for opening the border like a runaway fire hose. Like most things in life, there is a happy medium that needs to be figured out.

It’s all on you Donnie. 

As soon as the stock market nose-dived a while back, he stopped making daily tweets about how the stock market is “booming” under his presidency.

The DJIA is down 400+ points from where it was when Trump signed his tax cut bill a year ago tomorrow. I don’t think we’ll hear from him about this.