
Jimmy Carter was right about oil and the oil cartel turned off the tap and destroyed his Presidency. Every President and every Congress since him has been cowed in to silent complicity or worse. We should have been taxing the oil industry since Carter and using that to subsidize clean energy and a good, affordable and

Everyone on Splinter was put into the greys a few weeks ago, myself included. I just haven’t been ungreyed yet.

A caller on WIP didn’t rule out that Shurmur had to throw the game for the mob, pointing out how restless and nervous Shurmur looked on the sideline when his team had the lead. Which, if true (it’s not!), I’d certainly care more about my life/safety and that of my family than OBJ’s opinion of my second half play-callin

If we were standing on the train track, and we knew the train was coming, and we did not rouse ourselves to step out of the way, we would be suicidal. We are doing exactly that on the issue of climate change.

How many of those incomplete passes were targeting Beckham? If he was getting passes thrown his way, then it's on Eli, not the playcalling.

Christ almighty do the Giants have horrible coaching on offense. How the fuck do you run Saquon only five times in the second half?

Holy shit that’s bad. 4 of those 5 drives got less than 10 yards. Averaged 2.3 YPP and only because of a relatively efficient (8 for 56) drive. That’s embarrassing...

Look, let's be real. Eli ain't a genius but he knows how to throw a football in the general direction that you tell him to. That is better than quite a few quarterbacks out there! But if you tell him to throw it into his dick, well, that's on you. The Giants suck from top to bottom. 

The business executives and investors and politicians who cooperate in this system are not stupid. Many of them are very intelligent. They know what is happening. They just don’t care.

What’s even weirder about it is that there are so many avenues to profit off of climate change. They’re not even good at the rules of their own stupid game!

3+5+3+8+3 = 22 plays

I think I like it better when it’s Eli’s fault. Maybe I can pretend he’s the playcaller.

So they threw 12 passes and Barkley ran 5 times in the 2nd half... how many fucking plays did they run in the 3rd and 4th quarter? Box score shows Gallman with 5 total carries, so unless all of those were after half, you’re telling me they only ran ~20 plays? Jesus Christ...

He also is a walking conflict of interest like so many of Trump’s cabinet appts. so his worldview is through that skewed lens only; his mind is as narrow and closed off as possible.  Besides, he is an arrogant son of a bitch.

“the predicable fallout of US soldiers killing a unarmed brown person to split the nation”

Well, as with the rocket attacks, it only escalated to that after they’d suffered far worse from the other side’s hand. So, invanz may be proven right by your conditions one day.

Are you referring to my interpretation of current events or the multitude of times authoritarians have used divisive social issues and inciting headlines to consolidate power?

I keep hollering it to anyone who will listen, this is the Reichstag fire of the Trump administration. He authorized lethal force for a reason, they will find a justification to use it, and then they will use the predicable fallout of US soldiers killing a unarmed brown person to split the nation, and in the political

I’m glad to see Trump loves Netanyahu so much that he has to duplicate our very own Palestinian refugee problem here in the US! Just wait for the Predator drone strikes to kill migrant kids, and for bloody pictures of the US border to be filling the airwaves.

Well here we are.