
As awful as he is, his pure hypocrisy over this is still makes me mad.

If we don’t get a government that functions well, can we return the wall for a full refund? What happened to Mexico paying for the wall? Surely as the bestest negotiator with the biggliest hands of any president, he can get Mexico to pay for the wall. They could just use all the money they’ve spent on transporting

Turns out, the turkey was the brains of the operation. Who knew Trump was dumber that a domesticated turkey?

He spent 8 years listening to Fox News tell everyone that Obama was doing whatever he wanted, and no one could do anything about it. Donny Two Scoops thinks he should always get what he wants now. Also, he's used to business, where he can throw enough money at a problem (not his money, some investors) to get his way.

And the problem is too many times, membership doesn't put any work in. Then act surprised when it doesn't work well. 

That's not the only thing making him look like an idiot.

I thought this was an article about Eric and Don Jr!

He wrote them in crayon and using the third person, didn't he?

I hope he does send Vic Mackey’s eviler clone on political foes, because a democratic house will pursue that.

That they spend $25mill and lose. I think they should have "terminated for cause" (cause she's a racist), and then settled. Pay less than $30mill, but more than $0. 

Hey now, I take exception at your besmirching Emma Frost's despicable name by associating Megyn Kelly with her!

You can the racist out of Fox, but they're still racist. 

I'd guess it will be similar to a class action. Some attorney's will set parameters. Likely, based on seniority. It won't be equal or fair, but something is more than $0.

Agree with you. It's clear the equity firm didn't intent to make Toys R Us a viable company. They were trying to strip it bare for profit. And the people who pay are the employees. 

Ha! You know I’m sarcastic I hope.

New York and New Jersey. Florida (the wang of America). Maybe Pennsylvania and Connecticut. 

Jesus Christ in a birchbark canoe. There’s so many things wrong with that.

Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what someone else can do for your country.

If the first question is flattery, or an attack on Trump’s enemies, you get a second. If it's both flattery and an attack on Hillary, a third. 

All rats have a keen survival instinct.