Eagle Vision

Ah yes the classic bald eagle “I love war crimes” tattoo

I do hope you share those same opinions about more traditional celebrities like athletes and movie stars...

So... don’t watch them?

People aren’t necessarily stupid, but the vast majority lack any meaningful curiosity about anything out of their comfort zone. They tend to learn very little new stuff over their lifetimes and have no interest in learning anything. That’s not to say you have to keep learning to be intelligent, but it does signal

While there is truth to the claim that loud morons get a disproportionate amount of attention, I also believe that “average” intelligence is far lower than educated people realize. Like, the dummy in your social circle (often a friend’s friend or partner) is probably at least of average intelligence, if not above it...

The Eighties gave us Jack Nicholson.

I know your comment isn’t an essay prompt, but I think about this a lot. I am convinced that the large majority of people are not idiots. As with so many other things, the stupidest 15% of people and the ~15% who enable them take up all the oxygen and draw all the attention, and our society has to be designed/warped

Bulldogs in general are abominations that probably wish to die most the time.

Pugs and French Bulldogs spend every moment of their existence struggling to breathe.

I still have a tough time buying their reason for cutting support for all Pokemon. He first mentions so they can focus on gameplay mechanics they normally don’t have time for since they are implementing every Pokemon. But I thought I heard them say previously that they made high quality models of every Pokemon and

This entire discourse has reeked of “everybody involved desperately needs to Log Off For Like Two Days” and truly, that’s what we should do. 

Everyone who doesn’t want to watch this movie (and I’m in that group) should instead go watch Phoenix in You Were Never Really Here, where his work is quiet, understated, and absolutely spectacular. That film, which appears to be about a hit man doing a particular job but which is actually an exploration of trauma,

If this was really a Joker movie for our time, it would have been about a psychopathic grifter who convinced a bunch of VC firms to fund a venture that was actually designed to kill people.

That promotional photo, which I’ve seen frikkin’ everywhere, tells me all I need to know about this film. If I were to watch it, I wouldn’t see the Joker, I’d see Joaquin Phoenix AAAAAAAHHHHCCCCTTTTIIIINNNNGGG.

You're a freelance shill. Knowing the rule of thirds doesn't make you an artist. 

Influencing requires an almost impossible plethora of skills since it’s “a hybrid of many jobs,”

Lol. Pretty much anyone with access to an iPhone can take a professional looking photo. Also, “stylist”? You mean you chose to wear a an outfit similar to that of a kardashian? And yeah I know Kim didn’t invent that haircut, but since she and Kylie started sporting it, pretty every influencer went from “long hair

Being a Kim Kardashian impersonator is hard damn work.

I’d argue that any standard of “fitness” that included a roided up freakshow like him is neither standard nor useful.

this is going to be the weirdest shaped casket ever.