Eagle Vision

Okay, so this is massively stupid. An actor’s job is, quite by definition, to portray someone/thing they’re not. Should Dustin Hoffman not have been cast in Rain Man? Was Daniel Day-Lewis the wrong choice for My Left Foot because he doesn’t actually have CP? I don’t think these films are any less effective or

1) Is there one photo out there of Cohen that doesn’t look like the dictionary definition of ‘sad sack’?

Both things suck

It’s only a “shockingly bold move for that part of the world” if you don’t know anything about the gender-equal Kurds and their robust use of women fighters and women-led brigades. We have no idea whether she’s “quite an extraordinary woman” or if this is just a society like the real-world one they very obviously drew

They may just say “It’s not for me”, and not “ it’s despicable", can you see the difference, one is normal response about difference of tastes, and other is "I'm self-affected snob who hates people for liking stuff I don't".

> I don’t want politics or political agendas invading entertainment

JUST TO SAY IT - This woman used to have an Etsy shop that sold home decor, she was copying designs/names from other artists AND never shipped out lots of the stuff (I bought several pieces that never arrived). She kept saying she promised she was working on it and was so sorry and she was just overwhelmed but to my

In Europe we consider them “Far-Right”. The US is just so desensitived and fucked politically that Far-Right is sometimes merely a step from your version of “centrist”

No, if a player is going to make political statements, he shouldn’t be using a Blizzard platform. If he had spouted white supremacist BS, everyone would be cheering Blizzard for the ban.

They forgot to add the microtransactions 

There are no rules about what politics you can express.

Such a typical part of this kind of stuff. “Hey, look, we wish it didn’t have to be this way, but our hands are tied. By us. And the bylaws we wrote last July. It’s a damn shame, but we made the choice to give ourselves no choice.”

Trump supporters and Republicans are hypocritical sycophants. Trump supporters and Republicans will try to justify villifying any opposition while blindly accepting blatantly criminal and unethical actions by their party. Trump supporters and Republicans rewrite history, ignore facts, embrace lies, and traffic in the

Wait, what American political costs? It’s not like there’s a crime Blizzard can be charged with, I don’t really see what the US govt could do here.

South Park, thankfully, ditched the whole tryhard libertarian schtick years ago. They’ve been pretty consistently critical of Trumpets, while every single internet libertarian I’ve seen has been more concerned with strawman socialists and keeping their guns than they’ve been with America’s side into neofacism.

This is why we couldn’t get a Tibetan old man in Dr. Strange. Can’t risk losing that China money.

Three possibilities:

Thanks for reporting on this. Blizzard has shut out all discussions on the topic and are on complete radio silence. They want this to blow over quickly.

This reeks of Fear Of Missing Out (of the Chinese market)
Simple business strategy. you need to make more profit every year, otherwise the shareholders will dump you. China is now that possibility for expansion, so every company does whatever it needs to, to please their future customers.

I find this wholly ridiculous but that’s typical of Blizzard. Following their official rules though why are the interviewers being punished here? Are they somehow supposed to be held responsible for an individual’s free thoughts and speech? Come on. Blizzard doesn’t know when to stop.