Eagle Vision

This video already popped up in my youtube suggestions, and now here. I guess I’ll take this as a sign to finally watch it...

Tacking on additional close family members to popular characters years after is easily one of my most hated tropes.

This reminds me of how they used to have transparent controllers. Those were neat, I wonder why they don’t make stuff like that transparent anymore.


This makes me wonder if he understands what objectified even means.

Well, I merged the twitter account I use for Disqus with my kinja account. Test, test.

They’re typically untranslated.

Yeah, and I think Kirk and some other characters used phrases like this as well. Makes no sense, really.

I think they use bodies to mean corpses in this instance?

I sort of started playing games more often in the beginning of last year. I played the odd game before then ( mostly on Nintendo handhelds), I also played Diablo 2 in 2009, but I never really thought about other types of games much.

I'm also playing Prey. My copy has just arrived this morning and is currently installing. Can't wait to get back from work.
I don't usually buy games right after they come out, but whenever I'm tempted to watch a let's play (in this case Cohh Carnage's) to the end I think I should probably buy it soon if only to show

I read a manga about that once!

I think the movie portrayed First Officer William Murdoch very negatively whereas he was supposedly a hero in real life. Maybe they mean that.

So in other words the people making it have focussed on quantity over quality? Looking at playthroughs my biggest problem is the overly complicated in game menu…I'm not yet sure wether I'm interested even though I like some aspects of it. Maybe used on console in a few months.

Except with less dignity.

Understandable. I'm following politics somewhat closer than I did previous years.

Why would Merkel losing be a problem? The other chancellor candidate Schulz, is actually more liberal and outspoken. Has extensive experience with the EU, too. I should think he'd be a good choice. The racists are at about 10% which is obvouusly too much, but not so much that they're likely to get into a coalition

There are always exeptions.

Falsetto singing is considered sexy now? *shudders*
It's the sort of singing that makes Adam Levine's popularity equally perplexing to me…

I always thought the dear leader was more of a Ferengi.