And yet, to the confusion of everyone else watching, the ump would opt to call it a “strike”.
I hear the buyers from the glue factory were at the finish line looking for that good, uncut shit.
#AllWhiteEverything #OnlyWhiteFansMatter #PlayingTheGameTheRightWay
#playingthegamethewhiteway #nobatflipsunlessyouplayforthecardinals
Was this another instance of someone not playing the game “the right way”? Or does Bumgarner just hate all Cuban players?
Oh, I'm sure it's coming. It's not too far of a stretch for them to argue that athletics no longer serve a useful purpose in modern society. It cultivates aggression, hyper-competitiveness and masculinity. First fraternities, then team sports, and finally, any gathering of 3 or more young men.
Your proclamation sounds a little Eerie to me.
McCarthy really Neville Chamberlain'd that game.
Every school needs a good fight song.
Any takers yet?
I god damn love your display name, FYI. "John Smith"...What the hell kinda made up bullshit name is that?!
Plenty of the brain will be intact to study. You don't need a full and complete brain in order to use samples that can be analyzed under a microscope. Let's leave the science to the scientists.
It only took Beckham 3 fingers to make Collinsworth come to such a premature conclusion.
Because there are 2 black guys involved?
Nailed it. (Not Kobe, of course, I'm talking about you. If by nailing it means that this has nothing at all to do with Beckham's catch but is still fucking hilarious...then yeah, you nailed it.)
I've watched this video non-stop for the last 20 minutes solely for the banana-to-hand magnetism. I'm so Gruden horny right now.