
Steve Bannon looks like the guy who hangs out at game stores and tells all the 16 year olds about the valuable Magic: The Gathering cards he totally used to have, but his damn harpy wife took ‘em all when they got divorced before it quickly becomes apparent he’s never been married.

Steve Bannon look like he was bitten by a radioactive slob.


Yes, wear a shirt with a slogan on it. Yes, put a bumper sticker on your car. Yes, flood your social media feed with

Trusted source from DC. No-one-knows. They’re in a complete stand still and have been told to stop work on anything not essential. Further, they’re not allowed to talk about it. The administration has completely ignored requests for clarification, have not returned calls or emails. This isn’t normal for new

I want to stop writing about dumb tweets. Please make the dumb tweets stop. Please.

Time to play America’s fastest growing game show... which crap and/or fake news report was Trump half watching which stirred him to fire off this latest tweet attacking an American company?

Are we going to have 4 years of these stupid tweets or is some staffer going to muster up the balls to tell him to stop?

Accidents happen for a variety of reasons but generally accidents like this happen because people aren’t paying attention. In the event the driver in the Tesla were not paying attention this would have alerted them and eventually hit the brakes for them. A direct parallel can be drawn to the car in front of the Tesla

To be fair, the car in the right side could clearly see the car in front of the red car (or at least should have been able to see, because they have a clear line of sight). The driver in the Tesla car did not have the same angle and so was unable to see the second and third car past the red car.

Incorrect. The right hand lane car stopped after the auto-brake chime ended. milliseconds at 55+mph = dozens of feet.

And that’s why something like Autopilot, as it becomes more and more reliable, will be a better driver than human beings could ever hope to be. We are sucky imperfect meatbags who like to text on our phones while driving on the freeway.

Gay ice cream gags? Ladies and gentlemen, we finally know Richard Hammond’s burner account!

A penguin’s driving down the highway when his engine starts sputtering and smoking. He gets off at the next exit and finds the nearest garage. The penguin proceeds to tell the mechanic what happened and the mechanic says “Give me 10 minutes to look at it to see if I can find the problem.”

Faraday Future

I can’t be the only one a tad skeptical about this, right? Don’t get me wrong, there’s plenty of reason to believe this story, but I hear “YouTube star famous for pranks” and I start to question it just a little.

Maybe it’s the pics, but the seats and the steering wheel are simply gorgeous. I love me some BMWs but I wouldn’t kick the Polestar version of this out of bed for eating crackers.

A large, quiet, safe, elegant, comfortable, luxury car.

OK, but why THE FUCK was the black truck going so fast?

The model the rest of the world gets....

Not The F8 of the Furious?  The SVP of Marketing Puns over at Universal really fucked up this time.