
Except does it have to be a white guy?

Levar Burton is right there, I’m just saying

Maybe the pilot has just had a long fucking day and wants to have a cigarette in peace without a bunch of whiny bitch-ass passengers complaining about the smell and how smoking and flying is “dangerous” and you should have your hands at 10 and 2 or whatever on the yoke. I mean, fuck off.

IDK, if you’re starting to ask if something is so bad that it must be an intentional joke it’s actually just bad.

Oh God, fuck this. I have my misgivings about it too, but I am so done with entitled dipshit fans like these.

But it has the debilitating side effect of making people on it never fucking shut up about the keto diet.

“Half my age and minus 7 is the sweet spot”

“Way too old for me.”

First thing I thought of. Maybe the Russians took an extra step of getting the Google engineer drunk first. 

Dud” you go fuck yourself? Because you should go fuck yourself. Always go fuck yourself.

Hermit: “I wish to spend the remainder of my one precious life alone. I wish to do nothing more that awaiting my inevitable demise and final decomposition into oblivion.”

lol - “Did not watch, but he definitely did it”

I think a lot of it has to do with how easy Durant makes it look vs. how difficult it seems to be for LeBron. A lot of that is illusion, but man, that KD jumper when it’s going, it just looks like he’s flipping the ball in with minimal effort. Everything LeBron does looks incredibly labored, which makes sense because

2 damn movies and Deckard still hasn’t retired enough Replicants to buy a sheep.

She french fries the entire way down. I watched three times just to be sure. Doesn’t pizza even once. This woman should be on a stamp.

Yo, what are you talking about? She makes it all the way up to the blue line five out of six times, doesn’t fall down, SKIS BACKWARDS, and doesn’t degrade herself or her country with showboating theatrics. Just good, clean skiing. Give this woman the Gold medal for efficiency and self respect.


Republican in the front, skinhead in the back.

Yeah, there’s a reason for that.

Non story. The only reason she was spotted under a highway underpass was simply because she was trying to get an interview with Johnny Manziel.

It’s always interesting to watch conservatives attempt humor. The references are almost always hilariously out of date, the attempts at self-deprecation are usually painfully forced, and it comes across like they decided to improv the first take and then felt it was comedy gold that couldn’t be topped. It’s like