
Chamberlain just droned on.

Non-FPV drone guy here. This thing goes 90 MPH! I’m sure that’s a normal speed in the FPV world but that’s incredibly fast to me.  I have a DJI Spark and when I turn on sport mode (35 MPH) I keep worrying that I’m going to kill someboday.

Showroom TVs are not properly calibrated and are not always a good representation of what they look like when you get them home. One reason plasma TVs fell behind in sales were they looked dim and unexciting next to an LCD in full torch mode.  Plasma TVs, for the times they were made, were gorgeous.  They didn’t fair

Holy cow! The Prez tested positive for Liberal Hoax.

So how much will my deductible be again?

Some men just want to watch the world urinate.  

Why does it looks like one of the Fur Real Pets I’d buy my kid at Target. If I’m plunking down just about three grand for a robot dog, it better look something more like this.

He should have went with a Checker’s speech but instead of a dog they are keeping the Minnie Mouse headbands . . . I guess.

Also how they “unstarred” commentors for the mere mention of the Apple fiasco. Brian Lam’s retelling of the whole incident after he left Gizmodo was incredible. Nick Denton was furious. What a total douche.

Nice try, Russians.  Gizmodo did this kind of stuff long before you.

I can remember exactly where I was and what I was doing the day the Challenger blew up, when 9/11 happened, and when I saw JJ’s star-festooned titty.

It would be both weird and delightful to put ‘Monica Lewinsky’ in a cigar.

These Pikachus jumping the White House fence, we need to catch them all.

I agree that it is rather silly to consider your primary residence as an investment. My concern is that in many markets across the country there are few, if any, protections for renters. So we see stories about a renter who was paying $600.00 a month being upped to $1,200.00 a month because that is what the market

The opening scene from the last Avengers movie was abysmal

I’ve got my eye on that angry kid with the perfect hair.

Taylon, I’mma let you finish but can I borrow 53 million dollars first.

9 is too old to believe in Santa.

It also make a killer instrument.

What’s this? When did this film come out? I wish there had been more advertising. This caught me by complete surprise.