
Some things seem off about the proportions to me. The hood seems to tall and the overhangs seem pretty big (or the wheelbase is too short). And look how high the window is. Its up to the drivers shoulder. Something just does not look right.

At this point I am convinced you cant be this stupid and are just trolling. I’m done.

Its awesome that you want to learn, but not a good idea to mess with somebodies car without permission. You can potentially cause some damage if you dont know what you are doing.

After 26 years the leatherette in my E30 still looks brand new. I would rather cloth though. I love VW cloth seats too.

Im with you. I like cloth because you don’t slide around in a hard corner and it breaths better. Also leather does not come in plaid. : (

I don’t even ride a bike dipshit. Texting makes it more dangerous for people in cars and people crossing the street.

This is why we cant have nice things.

That is the stupidest thing I have read in a long time, and I just finished reading some Youtube comments.

I read his post the opposite way. Meaning that kids are prone to injuring themselves all the time and it is a bad idea to have a door capable of cutting of their arms.

A small child would never have enough strength to close a normal the door with enough force to cut their arm or fingers off.

oh facebook videos are the problem. I keep seeing all these posts talking about videos but no videos at all show up for me.

Thank you for having the courage to say what we all are thinking.

This is admittedly a very small sample size/comparison and not the exact car, but my 26 year old E30 is way more reliable than my good friends 4 year old GTI. Its scary all the stuff that has gone wrong with it. It leaves him stranded at least a couple times a year.

I don’t understand. I think that supports my theory.

Watch the video again please. I think you missed the point. Or just trolling?

I reread your posts and I still think you may be making a dangerous situation on the road.

If you look carefully you can see the pickup driver hit the gas to close the gap and block the car from getting in front of him as it changes lanes. Then he spends the next couple minutes making a road block with the semi to punish the car driver for tailgating him.

Most likely you just need to get your tires balanced.

If people are behind you in the left lane and want to go faster just move over for 2 seconds and let them by. Dont just sit there going the exact speed limit. Maybe your speedo is over by a few miles per hour. Its not your job to enforce the speed limit. What is wrong with you?

I have to disagree. Just because you are going faster cars on the right does not mean you should not yield the passing lane to people who want to go faster than you. Just be a nice guy and move over for a second and you can get right back in the passing lane.