
I’m hard pressed to imagine someone sadder than a person that spends hundreds of dollars to cheat at a video game. What kind of sad, pathetic life would a person have that the only enjoyment they get in life is ruining an inexpensive game for other people? Since nothing they are doing reflects on their own skills or

I’m pretty sure it’s not the bridge that’s stupid.

Elegant dinner party for the most elegant people in alllll of New Yoooooork!

Because everyone knows “real world physical competition” scenarios aren’t limited by rules or other dumb “human created strictures”. Players are always free to do whatever the hell they want.

And yet here you are... it’s adorable.

Kind of like how internet douche bags can’t avoid focusing on a pet peeve of theirs, even though it has NOTHING to do with the actual story?

Breaking news: someone who isn’t cynically filling an obstructionist role to mislead the public gives an honest statement and get shit on by asshats looking for blood wherever they can get it.

I mean, the dude is up there advocating for the termination of up to 4 police officers for the kinds of shit that every other department has thus far tried to ignore and sweep under the rug. Cut the fucking guy a break. By all accounts he’s doing the right thing. He can use every bit of cop speak in the world if it’s

Like, up until the spitting and the punch, I wasn’t even mad this was so pitiful. Dude was an internet comment section brought to life.

I just want my dumb FOX robots fighting each other or catching a pass or something.

I know this sounds bad, but I’ve always found the shapes and colors these large bomb detonations make to be quite beautiful. Kind of in the same way that some people find tornadoes beautiful.

Doesn’t mean the circumstances of his death are suspicious, you stupid fuck.

This is what white people do, everyday in large and small ways to PoC. They antagonize and antagonize and antagonize you, it gives them a sense of false worth to feel better than. It’s their whole persona, being “better than”. “I may be poor, but at least I ain’t a nigger!” White people are fully aware of the

More people I know are going back to breeders because of the ridiculous hoops that shelters are making adopters jump through.

Two deaths is a small price to pay for this dope-ass stance. I’ll be in the back seat with your mom. Sincerely, YouTube.

Yeah, thats dumb as shit.

Best way to avoid accidents with guns... Get a good gun safety education and get your CHILDREN to gun safety classes. the worst thing you can do is treat guns like an evil boogyman and only use scary words. Children absolutely need to understand a gun is not a toy, and that you only point it at things you want dead

Can someone explain to me why the insulting stereotypes asserted here as general facts are permissible? I am generally really impressed by Lifehacker’s forward thinking, but as a father I found this straight offensive.