
“Vaughn, a 28-year-old adult”

I’m okay with this

It is still not clear to the family how Malachi got his hands on the dangerous weapon. Stephens said that he got the gun from a friend who got it from someone else. Investigators are looking into finding out who originally had the gun and passed it to the friend, the news station notes.

poor guy didn’t know the deer was Blitzen.

Someone cross-post this to Jezebel where they seem to believe that women never, ever, ever do this.

This might bruise his ego, but he cam longer abuse the notion of being an every-down RB; he may need to switch professions or at least branch out into different aspects of football.

Seriously though, good for him.

I don’t operate on what should or shouldn’t exist. I operate under what actually exists. With your way of planning, we should just cut soup kitchens, domestic abuse centers, etc because homelessness and DV shouldn’t exist.

The reason death row is so long in most states is because inmates are guaranteed more rights (in court) than a life without parole candidate. There are mandatory reviews and stuff. This is a good thing.

Because most people not in prison for life will have the benefit of using their trained skills. I don’t really care about death or life without parole prisoner satisfaction. I just don’t want them to face cruel and unusual punishment. It should be a relatively bad time (if you are never going to see the outside

So most of this stuff is pretty horrific and should be changed, but some of it also seems reasonable like the lack of access to training and clubs. Death row inmates aren’t there to be rehabilitated. They are there to wait until they die. Training someone for the outside world seems kind of cruel as well given they

Is it really priceless when it’s insured for a specific value?

McIntosh looks...exactly like I’d expect from the son of a politician who supported Trump. Unnatural stance, creepy pose, and waaaaay older than his age.

Sort of, yeah! Except you don’t have to wash off tornado or worry about the tornado on your clothing giving you radiation sickness.

Is this modded somehow? I don’t understand the physics of how they make some of those jumps.

Mark Wahlberg in:

All of this allegedly puts a former Mexican tabloid executive in the locker rooms of the last three Super Bowls, surreptitiously nabbing incredibly valuable sports memorabilia right from under the noses of at least dozens of people, only to get caught a couple years later. This is the greatest story.

Ah, Billy Mays. You left us too soon.

Ah, Billy Mays. You left us too soon.