
This made me laugh.

it sounds nice, but it’s a little pricey though.... I usually prevent the hangover by having a glass of water with every drink I finish.

I’m in 2-4 cities per week during the busy season at work and am frequently in Houston. My best tips are all around avoiding the things that make Houston a terrible place to visit....

A Texas shaped cutting board does a pretty good job of actually being a useful cutting board. Every one living in Texas has one stashed away in their kitchen somewhere.

It’s more of a squat than a full stand.

I have been on several cruises over the course of a few years. I have never had any problems. I recommend trying it out before you start airing your grievances. I was like you once, I thought they were gross germ harboring boats.

LOL, The boss is trying to do the right thing and you still are busting his balls. Give me a break man...

Jesus man... this.. this all day.


LOL, the online haters got in your head..

I turn to shows that make me laugh every time they are on... like Boondocks, South Park, King of the Hill..

I’m surprised we don’t see more poorly executed moves in WWE more often.

I was thinking the same thing.

is there not a reporting system for Overwatch on Xbox one?

GTA has their own “version” (for a lack of a better term) of physics which obviously is different from the real world. I feel as if this is modded, most if not all of the stunts performed are next to impossible without some sort of mod in place. Insane stunts that are performed with the use of mods are like an

That is a cute little van. I like it.

haha, feeling ok?


You obviously are not paying attention to Kotaku.

I’m going to hope you are not serious.