
I mean other than the complete lack of public transportation, the 300+ days of summer (plus the 100+ days of super-sayan summer), the weekly industrial fire/explosion, and occasional devastating hurricane...it’s ok

Hey, Houston is alright.

and yet they still lead the series 3-2 because the Warriors seem to have lost themselves

You should get a divorce

Best solution

Perfect analogy for divorce - a giant gaping black hole of confusion and frustration.

da fuq? Am i supposed to see something? Cuz all i see is a big black bar. No text.

I’ve worked at pricey/upscale spots where the directive was to NEVER write anything down. The owner felt like it was not classy, that it gave the experience a “diner” vibe. After doing it for a few months, you’d be surprised at how well you can recall orders- even 6-8 people. I don’t really have a problem with writing

My first trick is to stop fooling myself into thinking I have control over my personal information. Privacy is an illusion. The only way to maintain control of your data is to go off the grid and keep all your money in gold buried in your backyard. You give up your ability to control your personal information the

I think socially, as the article states, it highly depends on the relationship. Work-wise though, the whole ‘taboo’ thing irritates the hell out of me. There’s a good Adam Ruins Everything episode about it. Discussing what you make with coworkers does not create a hostile work environment. It’s the superiors that it

Having a pool in the back yard increases your odds of drowning. Owning a car dramatically increases your odds of dying in a car wreck. Being alive increases your odds of dying.

I agree on being a responsible gun owner. That is, uncle Ben would say, the great responsibility you must bear.

Why should he have to act ashamed of something he values and enjoys just to placate some chick?

You sound dumb.

Similar to the bloody nose I got while trying to bring all of the groceries in from the car in one trip.

“Pfff. That’s nothing.”

If you do choose to pay with a credit card but leave a cash tip, PLEASE remember to write “cash” in the tip line on your receipt, so your server doesn’t think you stiffed him or her.

Do stupid things, win stupid prizes.

I have no remorse for this criminal that assaulted a woman, almost ran over a good Samaritan while committing an illegal act. Fuck him and honestly, fuck you for trying to defend him.

Is Cousins good? He clearly isn’t the worst quarterback in the league, but at no point in watching him have I felt like, “yeah, that’s a difference maker. Back a Brinks truck up to his house.”