
Yep, that is whiteness. So when are the greys gonna pop up saying this man was somehow taken out of context, say “but Chicago”, or try the “Black people are responsible for 50% of the violent crime”? (which is factually incorrect but whatever) You know they are waiting.

Basically, being so overrepresented in exonerations probably means they are underrepresented, too.

And there it is. So who had them doing this on the sixth day in the betting pool? I said fourth day so I lost this time. Also just to note, with the use of rap music as a reason it really shows how much they just have to “outside other” this issue. The dogwhistles are getting even more frequent.

I am proud of you for this one lol.

Ahh this old tired statement, “It/I was taken out of context”. So I watched the video in context and no he was not taken out of context. The reality is he has to take responsibility for what he stated and that is not something he and his ilk like to do. He is probably one of those doctors (and yes he is a doctor

So to the person that sounded like a hit dog (all that hollering I am hearing), the problem is that this happens every f***ing year because whiteness cannot stop itself from devaluing the lives of people who look like me to make jokes and prom proposals. This just happened last year and the year before and it keeps

Are any of us surprised? Like really? Whiteness just can't stop itself.

Wow it really does not take long for whiteness to show its arse in the comments. Like lightning speed.

The mere idea that they be made to feel uncomfortable. That they would have to examine themselves in a country that has told them they were always right and the right thing to be. When you want to avoid that, you are willing to do whatever it takes.

There is also has another f***ed up side effect. By engaging in this action, they reinforced the idea of interviewees of color being less qualified for these positions. Whiteness really never stops.

Some other PWIs in this state need to be investigated also.

As always, whiteness can’t stop showing its ass in the U.S. and in the comments.

It’s okay sir. I do genuinely understand. A line I always use is “It never mattered what we do while being Black. It is the fact that we do anything while being Black that is the problem for the U.S.” Whether I am licensed to carry or not, I am still a problem here for the sole reason that I am Black. You are right

Just a friendly reminder that we as Black people are killed by police for the idea of us doing anything while this guy made threats and was still treated humanely EVERY STEP OF THE WAY. Also just to mess with some people, Tamir Rice was killed by an officer that stated that he “looked twenty” eight years ago. Tamir

Also Black. I say that coming from observations and experiences in my own life. I did not even touch on all the other things that would happen around this (and there is alot but those were the three I saw being the most likely to happen and probably will). Not licensed to carry but I do stay aware of my surroundings

So just because of the trend of these things, here is my breakdown of what will happen over the next while. First, more than likely he will STILL be framed as a lone wolf (stochastic terrorism) and not a consistent continuing reality of the U.S.’s problem with whiteness which is the fact that an inordinate amount of

When I see comments like this, I picture them originating from a place of privilege. Speaker Pelosi’s life will not be impacted in the same way a regular person’s would be if the current iteration of the Republican party reaches an apex.

Good, I was hoping that. My reasoning behind using “enlightenment” centered around the idea of perfection that appears during that time. That same mentality focusing on a white, primarily Christian perfection appears here too. Take the idea of U.S. being perfect (or near perfect needing to be a “more perfect” union).

It could be argued the idea of U.S. “enlightenment” (used very loosely here) developed out of the Renaissance era and its “enlightenment”.

Oh look at that. White Christians reinforcing whiteness and white supremacy again. Who could have seen this coming?