
And yet legacy admissions are still fine!

As America becomes more mixed and melanated this will only hurt wypi....errrr.... privileged people more than the people it’s actually designed to hurt.

Same tired racism as usual “pick cotton, kill niggers, blah, blah” Is anyone surprised this video exists? 

None of the big three monotheistic religions ever issued a global edict specifically condemning race based chattel slavery, jim crow or apartheid, but they all had plenty to say about nearly everything else. That alone undermines any alleged moral standing that they are supposed to have.

I “stepped away” many years ago when I realized that few black churches had any sort of freedom or liberation agenda, and that most of the white churches like most religious institutions everywhere on earth, were allies and supporters of the system, as well as the eager and constant apologists for the unjust status

Even when the racist haters tell what violence they intend, even when they carry out their violence, they are set free to continue just like their ancestors. It’s disgusting to think that the “authorities” will wait until he shoots up a church, school or supermarket before they gently scoop him up & away from society.

Not just for a generation. Since the inception.

I suppose we’re about to hear from the assholes who will say that he brought it on himself by not knowing he was supposed to submit to some random asshole who rolled up on him?

Let’s be real, if they acknowledged that white supremacy was a problem they couldn’t get away with the bullshit narrative of terrorism having a brown face like they do now. Can’t have that. Besides, they and their supporters resemble those white supremacists.

House Republicans Vote Against Tackling White Supremacy In Military and Law Enforcement” and the Cleveland Browns vote against tackling Deshaun Watson in NFL. One might note who all is on the same team.

CLarence Thomas ain’t going no where...the white supremacist establishment/power structure will defend & protect uncle thomas by any and every means possible.

Nope. They really believe it.

That mentality is exactly why the US is spiraling into an authoritarian theocracy. It’s wrong for the same reason you don’t meet killers ‘half way.’ It presupposes that ‘both sides’ are equally legitimate, and they AREN’T. Democrats compromise, while Republicans hold the country hostage to their demands. There’s no

If children are feeling uncomfortable with learning about the horrors of slavery and institutional racism, I can’t help but suspect that it’s because they’re being taught at home that racism is okay.

Thank You.

To the gaggle of “Whattabouts” that vulture around the Root looking for openings to which the plying of your wares in this seems to be apropos.....even if ‘Chicago’ or any other region didn’t exist at all. If Black people could be exactly as white people want us to be (as if) to be sure you and your luckless ilk would

The RANDOM CAPS is what really SOLD me on this rant.

You could’ve just typed “I’m racist” and saved yourself a ton of time.

what about... what about... what about

Because whiteness and and being a “real American” are supposedly one and the same, one of the most foundational precepts of institutional white supremacy is that it’s dehumanizing crimes against POC must perpetually remain invisible to as many white people as possible, for absolutely as long as possible. For the