
Been a while since I’ve said this but geez whiteness could not stop itself in the greys. 

*In my mind crossing my fingers and hoping* Please don’t let other media outlets pick up on this and say it is about “mental illness”. Please please please don’t let them miss the point and throw mental illness under the bus again.

My only criticism:

Hate to correct but Charles S. Dutton was not the father on That’s so Raven. That was Rondell Sheridan. Though people should know Dutton for the criminally underrated sitcom Roc (having one of the most honest episodes about racial profiling in the freaking 90s) along with starring alongside Halle Berry in the film Goth

Yep and you know they are chomping at the bit to do it. Ish is like crack to them and that says soooo much.

Anyone else feel like when they use BLM and Antifa they really just want to say the hard -er version of a certain word. They did it with socialist, thug, communist, and a list of other words. Because those words are usually used in situations that usually involve people of color (primarily black people), they really

It never matters what we do while being Black. It is the fact that we do anything at all while being Black. So yeah you are 100% on point with this one. Take your star with honor.

It is like his whiteness just could not stop itself (may have to be termed critical caucasity) and he started malfunctioning as he was writing the message. He just has to say something. His white feelings must not be ignored.

Yep, and pretty much showed that they were metaphorically (and possibly literally in some cases lol) dragged kicking and screaming to this. It took 150 years to be a bare minimum not incredibly awful group (though this is clearly still arguable with the recent events happening in the SBC). If I’m gonna be honest, it

Had friends who had problems with this in my state. Let me be frank, U.S. christianity (I now refuse to capitalize it. It lost what little respect I had left for it recently and trust me that was at an almost zero before this) is deeply intertwined with white supremacy. We will have to stop seeing it as a pure “good”

Just could not stop himself lol. What a joke.

Probably saw them as “race traitors” or some stupid ish like that.

This is how systemic racism is still incentivized in the U.S. (well one way). They will face no pushback for their actions and in fact be seen as heroes by a strange amount of white people. Truly heartbroken because Black children and other children of color are more than likely (I want to say definitely but won’t)

Just could not stop themselves from having a problem with *checks notes* a Black person driving through the area. So we can’t drive through anywhere, walk, breathe, sleep, sit, or simply exist without trouble. Yep, that is definitely whiteness.

Always interesting to see when the misogynoir kicks in. Sometimes it just pops up outta nowhere.

To the person in the greys with the long tirade that goes nowhere but clearly shows a problem Harriot noted before he left, you really just couldn't stop yourself could you? You just had to put yourself in the conversation because it's hard to not have to add your input to every conversation and it is 100 percent

You’re right, but a problem is the U.S. only encouraged this level of mediocrity in them. It never really tried to stop it, hell, it directly tries to profit off of it to this very day. As much of a scumbag LBJ was (and he really was) his statement still holds so true it may actually be slightly maddening.

They really just can’t stop themselves.

Love that the university’s statement pretty much said “No the f*** you aren’t”.

So to the person who decided to respond, congrats on letting me know you definitely never looked at those statistics. Even the FBI defined what was violent crime and put the statistics next to it. Congrats on proving your ignorance (in this case more than likely white ignorance) on this subject. I even worded it that