
Does mazda even make turbo engines anymore? I know the old mazda engine internals were already capable of accepting boost from the factory, so it was a small matter to bolt a turbo on and get a Speed. I don’t think their modern engines can’t do that because fuel economy.

I’m right there with you. When it became a bro game with modern warfare and black ops and such I tuned out.

Your math is bad. I’d bet good money you’re taking assuming the time saved on the freeway is the time you’re saving on the trip over-all. But it isn’t due to traffic lights and queues on onramps/ off ramps. You would have to record your average commute times over a certain period of time not speeding, and then record

Good idea, go out and do something cool.

I know right? I hate how many “enthusiasts” parrot the bean counter arguments. It’s like they’re fighting themselves. You might as well go force yourself to sit in a corner because you’ve been a naughty boy.

You already know? So you’ve tried it? Then how can you judge them for trying it for themselves? And that also ignores something critical, some of the cars MADE IT!

I’m not seeing how that makes them “idiots”. Haven’t you ever wondered how a sports car would handle a river crossing? Or tough dirt roads? It sounds fun to me, but I’m the kind of guy who ruins his road bike on dirt trails.... because it’s fun. I have a purpose built bike for that stuff too, but it’s entertaining for

Rich people don’t owe you something because they are rich. All leisure can be argued as “waste” under the definition you gave and you have NO IDEA what kind of philanthropy these guys might or might not be involved in. And even if you did, philanthropy is VOLUNTARY. They owe you nothing.

This footage looks as fast as I always think my gopro videos are going to turn out, only to come home and find they look like a stroll through the park by a disabled toddler.

That would be a great technology! As long as it works for bicyclists and pedestrians.

I was only trying to explain my level of frustration with them. Although you have to admit, 2001 was a pretty cool time!

This may be true. And something I wonder about, but I’m only 30. I don’t think my eye site has really deteriorated that much. I have excellent night vision. The lights today are absolutely brighter then they used to be. Can that really be denied?

My eyesight is just fine, which is why my non-HID regular old headlights work great for me. Even when driving twisty roads in the dead of night. In fact, using lights that are too bright kills your night time vision by opening your pupil too large. When I ride my bicycle at night I use NO lights, even though I have a

It isn’t about you loving the light. Of course you do. But you’re blinding others, even with your “correctly aimed” lights. You’re selfish.

If anything, headlights are getting way too bright. Driving at night is a terrible experience compared to the 90s and early 2000s. And don’t tell me these new lights are okay because they are aimed down, ROADS ARE NOT FLAT. You jerks are constantly blinding me. It ranges from aggravating to unsafe.

At what point is it okay to let go? Machines are meant to be used. It means we lose them eventually. We are going to lose them all eventually regardless of use. This is the nature of things. Even driving around in parade laps they’d still crash sometimes. Even sitting in a garage they’ll fall apart eventually.

If you buy used smartly and sell used smartly you can save money. But if you go out and buy a brand new bike, you’d have to have a really ineffecient car to actually SAVE money. The cost of the bike + maintenance + insurance would have to be less than mileage difference the difference in depreciation due to mileage on

New heads are WAY under 100 bucks now. And they all have bluetooth. You don’t have to live like a refugee!

I commute by bike a lot but I still have a few cars and motorcycles. For instance, today I took my motorcycle! Actually, that’s a good idea. You can get a beater commuter motorcycle for WAY cheaper than a car. Pick up a beater ninja 250. Should be less than 2k, gets 70mpg, easy to fix (I hear) and almost nothing to

Yeah, cops really don’t like being corrected. Smile, nod, be exceedingly polite.