
Seems like rose tinted glasses to me.

I’m all for this, otherwise you always end up with a amateur-wrenching-enthusiast that decides to improvise himself as a crown vic salvaging entrepreneur, disfiguring the neighborhood by hoarding beaters in his parents driveway.

I’m an avid DIYer. I never label parts and fasteners. I regret it every fucking time.

You will not ruin your road bike going down single track or even a slightly tougher mtb trail if you finesse it enough.

Who the fuck cares? You know what is definitely not legal? Trying to hit people with your car.

If you think being a car enthusiast is tough, try being a sportbike enthusiast!

Bench front seats!

While we’re at it, screw modern brake and rear lights! It’s ridiculous how bright rear lights are now, especially those LED strips some vehicles are using. It’s actually painfully bright for me. I have no problems seeing “regular,” “inferior” lights from a long distance, so I don’t appreciate getting my eyes burned

I was 15 in 2001 so my eyes aren’t any worse yet. He’s right.

Congratulations, you’ve achieved King Asshole status with this response.

This. And it’s the worst if you drive a sedan. All these assholes that “need” to sit up high in their SUVs are fucking blinding the rest of us. Any back road without lines and I’m squinting just to see the edge of the road so I don’t run off it as they pass. Ugh.

you misspelled “bad assed”. They have no concept of scale and will try to attack things 5 times bigger than them without hesitation. And what other dog reacts to a crucifix like that? They fear no god. :-p

“I recall an incident in 1972 where they released two different types of welsh plug for the 1973 model year and you just had to roll the dice as to which would be in stock when you needed one. It was a dark time for the industry” ;)


I drive roundabouts every day and they suck. They suck ass. They don’t alleviate traffic at all and when overwhelmed are more thoroughly frustrating than, say, a four way stop because their function then becomes dependent upon human decency (in terms of letting traffic merge).

He restores BMWs... and therefore probably drives them... and therefore....

...a$$hole... :)

Sorry, but I am willing to bet many of the ghosts of those who have fallen would have been cheering that shit on the whole time. We’re all cut from the same cloth.

I take issue with your syntax, but the point is well made.

Agreed, this was terrible and not entertaining in any possible way