
It is easier than putting the top up and down. I’ve owned two different convertibles; a mustang and a miata. Both tops are obnoxious to put up and down to the point where I don’t if I’m going to be driving it again that day. Convertible owners are used to the fact that their cars are inherently insecure. If you really

When I visited Thailand, I was introduced to the concept of “Baht Bikes”. There are dudes on scooters on every corner, you can hop on and for like 2 bucks they’ll take you around town. At first I was really apprehensive but it turned out to be no big deal.

You would think Jalopnik could have found someone who doesn’t hate this segment so much to write an article describing all the cars in it. This is like someone who hates pancakes telling me where the best breakfast spots are.

It’s a real consideration when you’re shopping for an actual truck. Range counts when you’re taking a 4WD truck into the back country.

Where are you going!? The dealership by me has one listed for 2799. It’s been there for a while too...

That’s a silly fear. You are literally surrounded by glass in a car already and it’s all automotive safety glass. So it doesn’t shatter into small pieces, it stays as one big shattered piece.

Completely agree. Let’s not do this to each other. We get it enough from everyone else! One piece of advice I give to new riders is “Get used to people telling you you’re going to die”