
Sounds like another desirable feature that people appreciate, but dealers wouldn’t order, so “low demand” is slowly eliminating it.

Yes because the only 5.7L V8s ever produced were by Dodge and Toyota...

Oh and Buick, Oldsmobile, Pontiac, Ford (5.75L - so close), Holden...

And then there’s the most common fucking V8 on the planet, the 350 small block Chevy.

But yeah, its all Hemi and TRD hype.

Sports fans suddenly forget who they are actually fans of when it comes to management/labor relations. NO ONE DENIES THIS.

Yeah. I recently found out that trade-in’s reduce the sales tax I pay on the new purchase too. I basically screwed myself by not trading it in.

I tried to sell my motorcycle for 3 months before i just traded it to a dealership. Private sale would have netted me $1000 more but given i spent 3 months trying to sell and basically did start to finish process with the dealer in 2 days was way more worth it. All i had to do was email and bring it in and get a

I mean sure you might save $2k but over the life of the loan $2k isn’t shit.

“This may be the year when we finally come face to face with ourselves; finally just lay back and say it—that we are really just a nation of 220 million used car salesmen with all the money we need to buy guns, and no qualms at all about killing anybody else in the world who tries to make us uncomfortable.

The ritual is very simple.

I think next time a team should tell the White House they are absolutely definitely going to show up, and then spend the day at a local Cheesecake Factory instead.

You expect enlightened and tolerant at this point?

10's? Most (stock) fast cars of the 60's were running 14's, maybe 13's if they were really fast.

They kind of have to go up in size due to increased crash standards. Look at the A pillars of cars from the 60's/70's vs today, but also look at crash footage from 60/70 vs today...

If fuel efficiency were *everything,* then there would be no 600hp CTSV, no 700hp Charger, and no 500 horsepower Jeep Cherokee.

If we’re being accurate, he lost by 3 million votes and only usurped the Presidency thanks to a slave-era vote weighting system that should never have existed and that certainly should not exist today.

We have two parties in the US - one, which seems to be made up of the .1% and people who can’t understand they’re NOT the .1%, and the other, which has a remarkable propensity to turn a landslide win into a total loss. I’m not a betting man, but wouldn’t put much on the latter even if I was in the former.

He won because of conspiracy. He is essentially caught red (pun intended) handed. It’s just a matter of time. Manafort is going to flip.

I have a one ton diesel pickup AND a leaf.

I drive a 1 ton diesel pickup.

Personally, I’m tired of all the winning.

It’s OK. We’ll lower the standard and have an even harder time selling cars overseas. Then we’ll impose a tariff, not really understanding that many “foreign” cars are made here and many “domestic” cars are made across a border.