
Top 15 Cars that people who don’t care about cars buy... and a Golf

Top 15 Cars people can’t be bothered to trade in.

Pastrana would be great for this.

The government subsidizes industries and products that are overall good for the country. That’s why you get tax credits for putting energy efficient windows in your house, adding insulation to your attic, and... driving a low emmission vehicle or electric vehicle. Similarly, the government directly subsidizes (out of

As long as we also end corn subsidies, funding to the Middle East to stabilize oil production, and tax breaks for oil companies I’m ok with this too.

Please tell me your family business was slingin’ parts for Harry.

Every car on the planet can (and probably has) house an LS powerplant. How is that not modular?

I agree dropping an old carb’d SBC or Ford Windsor V8 into anything these days is just a dumb move. But dropping in an LS engine into pretty much anything just plain smart (cheap, fast, efficient, light, parts available everywhere).

You said “I thought the camaro was originally intended to be affordable performance.” You were talking about the model and lamenting the cost of an extraordinary version of it producing what is, by any measure, extraordinary performance. Doesn’t really strike me as fair.

Boy did I misunderstand how many of your relatives were in the UAW at my first glance through your comment.

There has always been a need for unskilled labor. That doesn’t mean that the people filling those jobs deserve shitty lives. Even if everyone made themselves more valuable via education and training, that won’t negate the need for ditch diggers and the like. Everyone who works deserves good.

Tell me some names of these non union employers. And it’s a proven fact that union jobs pay more. It’s not a lazy thing. Its the difference between a career and just a job. In a perfect ethical world unions would not be necessary, but..... I have a non union skilled job right now and see the differences first hand.

You are 100% correct. Non unionized blue collar jobs (skilled and unskilled) that you can make a good living from and a career are few and far between.

A new company doesn’t hire “new” employees with zero experience. A new company hires workers that will make the company successful. So, your second point doesn’t really hold water.

Thanks so much for the help you guys. :)

A friend of mine posted this sign from last weekend’s rally in Boston and I LOVE IT.

This is what I can’t understand, why is having intelligence considered a negative? Why is knowing more then the next guy bad, these sports people love competition, it’s all about being better then the next guy, but as soon as that turns to intellect, fuck that nerd. I don’t get it.

Dude, it’s 2017. Get your “facts” out of here.

Just the ol’ “make up random shit to emphasize a shitty point” tactic. It still works.

Ah, Chode. It had fallen out of my lexicon due to misuse and fading memory. It is now back in. Thanks!