
Kim Jong Un could die of heart disease and Trump would take credit for it. What a chode.

It’s kinda like stance, i have no clue why people do this.

Can someone explain coal rolling to me? I mean, I’m a car nut, and I just don’t get it. Why do this?

Trickle-down economics is really just golden showers on the poor.

I will also say that if the evisceration of the EPA occurs, America will once again fall behind the world in engineering capability.

It’s fun with the right car but the wrong one on a wet day will leave two square feet of seat material pinched between your cheeks once you manage to pry your terror seized fingers off the wheel to unlatch your harnesses. I had the misfortune to judge the weather wrong once in a big HP Fox body on Hoosier baldies and

I have never had fun racing LeMons/Chump in the rain. Exciting and puckering? Sure, but not “fun.”

It really depends on the track Steph. Some are like driving on ice seemingly everywhere on the track if you show up with the wrong tires.

It doesn’t come “cheaply” though. I’d also question that you can get a “decent” 997 Turbo for under 50k. The ones you posted certainly are not “decent” - they’ve all been in some kind of accident, which is an immediate “no go” for most Porsche buyers (particularly considering you might want to get rid of it yourself

10 bucks says that after he’s quit he will be a regular at his nearest cars and coffee (or similar gathering)

Patrick: I am considering the ST as my next daily driver because I have two kids, a wife and a mortgage, and I can’t see spending 40k on a hatchback. Is the ST as fun as I think it is?

12 million people would apply to watch those 3 shit in a bucket. That doesn’t mean I’m not allowed to criticize it.

We also know at least half the people complaining, have never bought and never will buy, a brand new car.

I’ve always bought my manual transmission cars fully optioned up. I bought the last two of them brand new, and my current car was NOT available in an automatic at all.

People who buy their cars used and demand manufacturers make a car for them, are like people who don’t vote and expect politicians to bust their butts

This isn’t the right audience to ask that question. 90% of the people here want a manual. Go everywhere else and ask if they want a top trim manual vehicle. The answer will be different.

Was probably a V6 with an exhaust.

Oregon/SW Washinton the same. They even want $15K for red ones. In defense of the author though, I think you can get live-able houses with 3 bedrooms in FL for that kind of money, so sub 10k might not be unreasonable.

Good luck finding a 2006 GTO under 10k that isn’t a piece of shit. That one may look clean, but it has 160k, has been in an accident, and has a rebuilt motor (can be good or bad.) Every used GTO is sold by someone who thinks their car is worth twice what it actually is.

Leave it to the great state of Delaware to put up with this non-sense, lets crowdfund him a bigger, louder, more ostentatious garage!

I bet Apple could kill your dog and you’d be like “well, he was going to die eventually anyway so it’s pretty convenient they did it now.”