Nice commercial, bro.
Hate is a strong word.
Perfect example of how a totally plain looking woman can be transformed by Hollywood make up experts.
Any hint of effeminate behavior was dealt with swiftly and brutally.
I would rather eat a nine foot long fluorescent light bulb than put my mouth on anything in a Wal Mart. Especially one of the fuckin' customers.
When I was in school this kid would have been marked for death. He would have had to be placed in the witness protection program. Even if he only brought his My Little Pony bag to school one freaking time it would have followed him until HS graduation.
"The French Connection" for this lame ass generation.
I guess I can check "Look at a 60 year old ladys armpit hair" off of my list of things to do today.
Wildlife preserve BBQ.
These three douchebags will have their own show soon.
A long as your finger is out of the trigger guard and the muzzle is pointed in a safe direction youre good.
I would have called him Rayon Romo.
Probably why his finger isnt near the trigger. actors give their children such dumb fucking names?