
Dear Idiots,


"I don't know exactly what did happen, but I know that's not what happened."

John McCain doesn't want to hear any more of this "hands up" bullshit.

Look at this hypocrite.

Ill miss watching them as much as that cancelled Larry Hagman sitcom where he played a preacher at a black church in Baltimore that never existed.

If you had to either have sex with your mom ONCE or sleep in the front seat of a Montero for the rest of your life which would you choose?

Next you're going to tell me China only had clean air for one month in 2008.

Not a chance in hell, but I approve of their culture since it’s one of the few things that makes me look like a pretty good guy!

On the case.

"These woods over here?"

It was my Vietnam.

So you've been to Rochester?

Yeah, its all a blast until your precious da-da has to sell you for gas and your mom becomes a warlords concubine for a box of shells and cheese.

Here's some non-gentle satire:

ethically, can you sink any lower?

"This stuff was a lot funnier when I was good at golfing." - Tiger

Worst Family? Oh, we do beg to differ...

When informed of the situation, Jaguars officials expressed surprise that one of their players was somehow able to walk while chewing bubble gum.

"OK, you need to be prepared for raising a special-needs child."