
If you think cruise ships offer the best food you’ll ever eat, I’m going to go ahead and not listen to any recommendations from you.

I hope once you cure cancer you’ll have more free time like the rest of us plebes.

I have it on good authority that the bartender at PF Changs is black, and that Mark Davis, after his fourth appletini did in fact offer him the job. Negotiations broke down only after Davis couldn’t get the bartender to be his best friend in the entire world as well.

Some people have a hard time confronting their sexuality and shit.

Kid 1: “Yo, I got a silver iPhone!”

Tom Brady never seems to sprain his ankles and he drinks water. I’m not saying Steph should start drinking water, but he might want to think about drinking water

to explain the difference between a strip club and a gentlemen’s club

“I learned to read!”

Miller would totally hate women if he could get anywhere near a female who wasn’t actively fleeing or vomiting into their hands at the sight of him.

“Someday a real rain will come and drain all this scum off the swamp.”

Your mom enjoys a Dirty Grampa, if you know what I mean...

Your “point” is pointless. Agreeing to work with him in full knowledge of his issues is contributing to the problem, period. “Regret” afterwords is meaningless bullshit. They don’t get credit for being part of the problem.

No, it’s not what happened. They made the movie with him, THEN regretted it. Who didn’t know in 2016 that Woody Allen had issues?

No, I think Allen’s been facing those allegations for decades.

Wanna renounce it? Donate 100% of what you made on those films to a survivors non-profit or gtfo with that bullshit

“I am deeply sorry that I worked on a project with a guy who has been deemed unsavory. I will pretend I didn’t know anything about Woody Allen, even though he’s been pretty out there with his gross behavior for 25 years. Man, I’m shocked with how badly my decision has aged. Shame on you, Woody Allen, for making me