“A bloody redhead....Brings back memories of my daughters 14th birthday.”
“A bloody redhead....Brings back memories of my daughters 14th birthday.”
If that car was in Texas, it would get pulled over for doing 242 mph in a 75 mph zone.
Sad to see a culture, religion and political system fail so miserably.
We need a wall to keep these cars in Texas.
We can both celebrate these individual women and pity them for being part of a retrograde, patriarchal, shitty culture.
It saddens me when I see women covered up because they have been brainwashed into some false sense of modesty because of an ancient patriarchal religious fairy tale.
Instead of saying a “Muslim” won why cant we just say “crazy person”?
Its because hes fat.
***plays rocky theme***
***training montage***
Yeah I know, at this stage pointing out the she looks like a trashy streetwalker isnt very original since basically everyone thinks that.
When does she NOT look like a hooker?
Why start now?
I too am anxiously awaiting the upcoming sports ball contest.
I don’t think there’s any physical abuse going on, but I think there is a question of how much his kid has seen of him being sexually gross. The kid isn’t old enough to process the ways in which his dad is sexually expressing himself, and that can be psychologically damaging to a variety of degrees depending on how…
Idiot noted.
That would have been a great idea because Ali was a fucking asshole and a racist himself who had all of his great lines fed to him by Elijah Muhammad.