
“A bloody redhead....Brings back memories of my daughters 14th birthday.”

I thought she was dead...?

Im not saying she actually is a greasy whore only that she resembles one.


Sad to see a culture, religion and political system fail so miserably.

We need a wall to keep these cars in Texas.

What acts exactly?


Youre missing the point.

Not if the kid is too young to know what those acts are.

I seriously want to bang that girl.

Instead of saying a “Muslim” won why cant we just say “crazy person”?


Its because hes fat.

Or you can blow me :)

What am I supposed to say? That she doesnt look like a greasy hooker?

***training montage***

Yeah I know, at this stage pointing out the she looks like a trashy streetwalker isnt very original since basically everyone thinks that.

bye bye:(