Like I said, in six months people will have forgotten his name.
Like I said, in six months people will have forgotten his name.
Jealous of a third rate QB lol
The main result of this flap is people will remember Kaepernicks name for another three months.
The guy is a total moron and an asshole but I doubt he is abusing his kid.
Dont say that.
Id say second to useless millionaire “protest”.
My criticism has been consistent.
I just found out about this Jayde Nicole.
“Elite” lol
No, I think its great that he finally woke up and then made a useless gesture and then got around to writing a check.
Really? I wasnt taught the secret handshake....
You, like many people are ignorant.
I bet you stopped giving your kids vaccines after Jenny McCarthy said they cause cancer.
Becoming “socially aware” in your late twenties doesnt mean I have to respect you.
That was brutal.
Idiot noted.
This conversation has been going on for months before fuckhead turned on the news one day.
Im annoyed by entertainers in general who talk because they are invariably morons.
Football throw boy finally turned on the news and saw something the rest of the country has been talking about all summer.