That would have been a great idea because Ali was a fucking asshole and a racist himself who had all of his great lines fed to him by Elijah Muhammad.
That would have been a great idea because Ali was a fucking asshole and a racist himself who had all of his great lines fed to him by Elijah Muhammad.
Well, im sure glad he told me about this racism thing. I had no idea the cops were beating up negroes like hotcakes.
Riiiight, because up until this dipshit decided to sit down I had never heard of this thing called “racism”.
He is most likely listening to his agent or parents or smarter friends.
The only time it would be appropriate to name a kid Fleur de Lis is if she was bitten by a radioactive french spider.
Wow, did he also give her a strip club employment application?
Youre playing the long game. Smrt.
Because he is caving.
Kanye is suffering from an undiagnosed head injury.
Well, the advantage of a name like that is your kid will have learned the basics of hand-to-hand combat at an early age.
Barack, itll be a living tribute.
My mother is a patient woman.
My mother tried to name me Rusty but my dad waited until she was passed out on meds and made a better choice.
“The New York Times is just a bunch of dick grabbers.”
Who gives a shit?
Heres hoping J meets some new friends in prison.