Whenever a guy like this pops up (thoughtful, respectful, well spoken, hasnt murdered anyone in the last five minutes) the Leagues gotta step in and make an example of him fast before he can influence anyone.
Whenever a guy like this pops up (thoughtful, respectful, well spoken, hasnt murdered anyone in the last five minutes) the Leagues gotta step in and make an example of him fast before he can influence anyone.
Dr. Feel-Goodell shall rid the league of the cancer of uniform non-compliance.
It was DT on Fannin St years ago, The Haunted Hotel which unfortunately moved out to the beltway.
Kids got an itchy trigger finger alright but I cant blame him.
I like the saucy little dribble dance he does before doling out mayhem on the neighbor girl.
Drafted by Chicago.
Its the only kind of funny I know.
Tell a funny one and I will, dude.
Read it again slow, dummy.
No, it was just a regular one with HS kids in spooky costumes.
I heard God’s voice. I did. he came to me from somewhere in the darkness of that holding cell—said, “Can you hear me now?”
It just displaces water.
I worked at a haunted house in DT Houston for a few years and without a doubt the biggest pussies were the hard-as-fuck neck tattoo bad ass black gang dudes. They would crawl out on their hands and knees screaming.
Came for this, leaving happy.