“Punch her? Nah, I just wanted to clip her.”
“Punch her? Nah, I just wanted to clip her.”
Youre at NORAD right?
Somebody probably forgot to latch the screen door.
The boat’s XO is right at this minute musing to his captain about living in Montana & getting a pickup truck.... or perhaps even a ‘recreational vehicle’.
The crew probably ran out of dimes for the sub's pay phone.
I have an image now of Dennis getting “make-up games” by skating around by himself in an empty arena for 9 hours after the season ends...
I’ve never understood NFL fans’ ability to get shitfaced drunk on a Sunday and make it to work on Monday. I mean, yeah, I’ve gotten drunk watching football on Sunday but I gave it up because damn I felt terrible on Monday. I couldn’t imagine how terrible it would be to wake up on Monday, hung over as hell, and realize…
I can do that. And it would not be an act. Even the mountain lion would be like chill out.
I think I’d start killing things if I was named P-22. They didn’t even love that mountain lion enough to give it a name, which lead to it getting a complex and becoming a murderer.
There’s no good people in this example. The guy bogging the left lane was clearly not supposed to be there, yet the asshole that crept up on him could have easily gotten around in a second if he wanted to.
No, it’s why you get off your high horse and move the fuck over.
I flash my brakes at them first 3 times, if they continue to tailgate I slow down until they go around. This is of course on 2 lane roads. On 4 lane roads I am in the right lane 99% of the time (unless passing). Looks like the guy got what was coming to him IMO.
Reached for comment, Manziel says he looks forward to smoking and possibly injecting the blackball.
Holy shit, the ancient jukebox with way too many Steve Miller and Journey songs in it.
A lot of people who have sustained multiple blows to the melon.