
Ive spent a little time in Greenfield which supposedly has a wicked bad heroin problem, yo.

Im cool with that.

As a further incentive some dealerships are offering to throw in a years supply of AXE Body Spray.

So did the dude who fucked up the snap have to say sorry?

As long as they “keep it real”.

Will the women be sold into prostitution?

Columbus: Youre Indians. This is India.

Axe (Body Spray) and you shall receive.

G-E-A-U-X Fuck Yourselves.

He’d still be a scumbag in a $15,000 suit.

Yes, the world needs more garbage sculpture.

So she just gets away with totally pretending to be black?

They should just send you home if they dont have anything for you to do.

And he just washed it.


So Kim Kardashian is “white” now? Uh-uh.

Who, British Justin Timberlake?

And how much Scope did they drink before having this conversation?

I know a guy at my company who was hired recently and has a lot of crazy ideas about life.

Im not fighting in any wars for this sack of shit.