
Oh, if only.

I am convinced that Eddie Vedder has a serious speech impediment.

Props to you! I would like to add here (although it has nothing to do with that episode): "Bears, Beets, Battlestar Gallactica."

Dude, I was at a Celtics game the other night? And all I could think about was that the guy who was playing used to be married to Kim Kardashian.

Seems to be exactly what the police were thinking.

"Claims that the accuser was given a drugged shot by a "big black guy" at the bar."

Now playing

Naw, Marbles was Kurt Cobain's thing ;)

I misread this as "Threat level: Midget."

The 90s were great for funny misheard lyrics. I remember the first time I heard Smells like Teen Spirit, trying to figure out what the fuck Kurt was saying.

lolol. no way. the (alleged) "angels" are sure spicing it up! It is my belief that the hearing-impaired have the best seats in the house. These things are usually boring and full of rhetoric. Til there was you.....

What a difference a comma makes!

Or "Even flow: it is a lot like buttered rice".

I thought you were gonna name it "Don't call me daughter, Gepetto".

Eddie Vedder is a special category. Every single thing he has ever sung is misheard to me. I thought nobody could top Mick Jagger, but I was wrong!

I nominate you to interpret for Sign Language at Nelson Mandela's funeral.

I will love you forever for your reference to the little known greatest movie ever.

This would be so cool if they put one wheel in the front and one in the back...and maybe a place to sit down. It would look something like this:

It's a semi-traditional location for mirrors on vintage scooters (Vespa, Lambretta). The handlebar mounted mirrors vibrate so much that they're practically useless.

possibly 2 vespas... that front end its pretty long and it has 2 front fenders on it...

This is an abomination b/c a vespa is 100,000,000 X better than a stupid segway