
Absolutely not. Not ever, not once, not even a little.

I have no defense. No defence. Nothing to say for myself. Guilty as charged. I don't even really remember most of those times. They are like absurdist dreams. Mostly, I just black out and wake up with a massive headache, without any breasts, feeling empty and cold.

Your honesty is refreshing, sir.

I'm of the opinion that the stay-at-home spouse should be responsible for the bulk of the cleaning (if they have young kids, all bets are off and cleaning needs to be divided). But if one is a housewife or househusband, they ought to be responsible for the majority of home maintenance.

I think that would fall under the category of "even division of labor," which the author addressed. If one spouse is working and the other is not, that division of labor may involve cleaning. If the stay-at-home spouse is caring for four small children, cleaning may be more up for debate.

Depends on how many kids she has and old they are. I think the women should do the bulk of the work, regardless (in this dynamic) but I still think men should help out (load/unload dishwasher, mow the lawn, do his laundry, pick up toys, etc) so she's not sooo burdened down that she feels like she's taking care of an

The author states that "We are only talking about people who are unhappy with their arrangements, wherein those arrangements involve obvious dumb gendered thinking to get out of shit". I don't think that applies (unless the wife works from home or is just pure lazy).

Some advice columnist (I'm forgetting who, sorry), said that partners should start with the idea that they should both have the same amount of free time in a week, and divide things up from there. If one person works 40 hours a week, then other person does 40 hours worth of whatever other responsibilities they jointly

If the children are so young that they don't spend 8 hours of the day at school sure.

So, what if he's Al Bundy?

Car porn?

"...on account-a there's somethin' wrong with my semen."

I just love Biblical names.

You take that diaper off of your head and you put it back on your sister!

It will get out of control and we'll be lucky to live through it.

Adding even more credence to this guy's story, he isn't a senator's son.

fuckin' A man

Yeah, that's strange. He would have been fine legally to have sex with her, but not trade naked pics.

Just kidding ladies, you know I love you!