Aside from everything posted here?
Aside from everything posted here?
Ireland is the Alabama of Europe.
Right, because nobody else in Hollywood likes youth and beauty.
Im glad Kap was able to find a team.
He is the the embodiment of everything NYC is all about.
Lazy people like yourself invent ridiculously simplistic solutions to make your brain ouchies go away.
I can only imagine the number/type of severe emotional problems you would have to suffer from in order to find this an appealing way to spend your time.
.....thinks that her “reality TV obsession” is “vastly disappointing.”
Fuck all that.
Fuck all that.
Id rather work out with child touchers than crossfitters.
She looks like a concentration camp guard on trial for war crimes.
Hes a trust fund dipshit who would be working at Subway if it wasnt for his DA-DA and his friends.
Nope, theyll ride the country into the dirt before they admit they were wrong.
But he shore is a straight shooter. I tell you what, he tells it like it is.