Do you think The Root will have a bracket for all the dumb shit blakpepo do?
Do you think The Root will have a bracket for all the dumb shit blakpepo do?
I always felt a little sorry for Wright Thompson, since he was Hunter S. Thompson’s son, and boy, it must be hard to follow in those shoes. But then one day I found out he wasn’t Hunter S. Thompson’s son. And then I didn’t feel sorry for him, and started to really dislike the hats he chooses to don.
At the insistence of his editor, the author ruefully removed the following sentence: “Glumly peering into their half-filled bowls of Lucky Charms, each morning, the downtrodden people of Dublin fill their thermoses full of whisky and stagger down to the pub, where they dance jigs and fight each other as the jukebox…
You’d think after a 20 year marriage you might want to put down the torch and acknowledge they actually just love each other?
People say that about a lot of things consenting adults do that really isn’t their business.
With his girlfriend’s adult adopted daughter. That they found each other and left to be happy together just gave the Farrows an axe to grind.
Maybe they just don’t believe he did anything. I don’t. And I tend to believe the worst in everyone.
Alert the media. A man likes younger, hot, and totally legal women! Get a grip.
Oh, I just love how this shitty article mentions Sarsour’s stated desire to “take away their vaginas”, which was made even worse by he fact that it was directed at a victim of female genital mutilation, but then proceeds to gloss over that statement.
He’s the real MVP for banning Crossfit Cultists tho
Rosa Klebb in “From Russia With Love”.
I agree. Especially in his later years, he became an outstanding interviewer. Unfortunately he was (understandably) forced to host the nitwit celebrity of the day, but every now and then when he’d have a serious guest he was in his element. This might be the reason I finally get with the program and join Netflix. I…
Agreed. Say what you want about the guy, but he is intelligent and is good at what he does. Not a lot of people can interview Paris Hilton one night and a survivor of the Chilean coal mine disaster the next. He’s quick and he’s smart. I’ll watch.
Hold up, he is going to be able to interview subjects for an entire hour? This isn’t Jay Leno. It isn’t Bill Maher. I expect this to be a well done show with interesting interviews.
She looks like the young german girl (about 58 seconds in) in the original “Tomorrow Belongs to Me” from Cabaret —- too lazy to link to Youtube but check it out
Don’t forget to ask the Jill Stein voters and the people who said they wouldn’t bother to vote because it there was no difference between the two major party candidates.
I wrote this somewhere else, but the Moff Tarkin CGI was bad. Equally bad was the Tarkin voice acting. Whoever did it had the same accent, but none of the Peter Cushing’s ability to actually act.