Yes, it would be a considerable expense.
Yes, it would be a considerable expense.
Well, the phrase “world class marksmen” is a little hyperbolic.
So any treaty that Iran, China and Russia refuse to sign is a “bad” treaty?
Yes, I know there are many legalistic and bureaucratic hurdles to this plan but its still the best solution.
The majority of private security contractors sit on their asses and do nothing most of the time. Its not 24/7 combat.
Yes, it seems quite obvious that sinking or disabling the pirate boat before they get withing weapons range is the best solution.
Thats one version of such a treaty.
Aw, im sorry youre tired of things on the internet.
Four or five defensive rifles kept out of sight and locked up, unloaded and subject to inspection while in a countries protected waters should not cause alarm.
Getting countries to agree on anything is always a pain.
I dont disagree, I know from experience with this weapon but I think the question is how much extra cost are the shipping companies willing to absorb.
Sounds like these countries need to have some kind of treaty regarding defensive small arms in light of the pirate threat to all involved.
I dont get it.
“When you came pullin’ in here did you see a sign out in front of my house that says DEAD GRANDMOTHER STORAGE?”
Im shocked.