
Teenage Mutant Turtle Gonads

this is the best thread of all threads I have seen today

Could be worse, could be tires by Code Masters

Grandpa’s gotta gun...

How’s Geraldo’s nose, still broken? 

I approve Duck Tales as the USA national anthem.

Over that ridge, the final frontier. These are the voyagers of the Expedition Ughoth, their two day mission, to boldly go where no hominoid has gone before.

Everywhere we go


Could’ve dumped some tea while they were at it.


The dumpster of love is the end of all things

What a great time for a sex scandal then.

“A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”

I’ll just mark this down in the “War On Terror” column and we’ll invest 20 billion or so.

Robin Leach has toured at least one of these.

Distance to the car up front is 5 seconds