
I’m so white I called the cops on my dryer for stealing my socks.

“This is the most precious planet in the world and we have to preserve it and conserve it and make sure that our children and their children and so on have this beauty in their lives

GOP: “We want voter I.D.!”

1. Azithromycin, or Z-Pak as its much more fun to say brand name, is typically used for respiratory infections. I know this because I’m in health care and I had an upper respiratory two Februraries in a row with the 2nd being during the 1st COVID outbreak. I was scared shitless because I’m up all night coughing

Men At Work US tour announcement.

Reuniting of the continents - the return of Pangea. You heard it here first!

The rich assholes on the Vineyard are the worst. “OH no when I look at the ocean I’ll see a windmill! My life will be RUINNEEEDD!”

Go read the definition of the word ‘demagoguery’ and explain to me how I’m trying to stoke unrealistic fears in order to amass political power. I’ll wait you fucking moron.

Grow up. You’re no better than them if you’re going to let your petty emotions cloud sensible judgement.

Hey, c’mon you guys! It’s haaarrrrrd for a skinny, aging white woman out here! Every morning you wonder: did I make the right choice between ass or face? She looks in the mirror daily and sees another crack, another line that fillers can’t defeat (nor HD hide). The after you spackle yourself together, put on your

Have you considered there’s a labor shortage because 600,000 people died, and not because people “don’t want to work”? I’m so god damn tired of this uninformed, bullshit opinion.

I need to make sure that everyone understands the reason we don’t have things like the Hong Guan Mini is entirely political and social, not technical or economic. It would be literally illegal to build similar low-cost cars here because our transportation laws metastasized in the 1950s to 1960s to center around the

These images made me say HEYYYAYYYAYYYYEEAAYYY

This whole thing was kicked off by extremist Haredi marching through Palestinian neighborhoods, attacking their inhabitants, and screaming “DEATH TO ARABS”, all while under the protection of the IDF.