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    A Dog’s Guide To Doing Your Taxes

    But his pants still aren’t wrinkled.

    Her chiropractor must make a mint.

    This feels like they could have legitimately made it into a Wolfenstein movie.

    Benjamin Franklin didn’t invent electricity, I invented electricity! Benjamin Franklin is THE DEVIL!

    I made the same comment elsewhere! I’m sure the folks at channel 13 would have loved the nod.

    I interpreted it as the “winner” gets the “loser’s” company and owns both.

    You’ve ruined a perfectly good guitar!

    This Sunday, October 14.

    All’s fair in love and bouncy-bouncy!

    Birdman, in here get!

    Or that I responded! :V Waiting for the collected edition is a wise idea.

    Wonder if this will get tripped up by the Kingsman franchise, whose American counterparts are “The Statesmen.”

    The series has picked up considerably since the first issue and had basically addressed what we were discussing here. Had it been the first chapter of a hardcover collection no one would have batted an eye because it upends it quickly.

    Nerd alert, the airplane Supes saves is a modified Boeing 777-300ER (which just started coming into service around the time this movie came out). Boeing was, unbelievably, doing product placement in this movie because I remember the ad campaigns for the plane featured in Superman. They even had a Superman-themed

    Spider-Pig, Spider-Pig, does whatever a Spider-Pig does?

    The last good Marvel ‘toon was Earth’s Mightiest Heroes. The Guardians series stuck a knife in its corpse.

    But has he managed to find the elusive Sad Crying Clown in an Iron Lung?

    I played a lot of this back in the 90s at Fun-O-Rama in York Beach, Maine. In retrospect... not a good game.

    Dave Herman shouting “THIS VALIDATES MY BIGOTRY!” was a guffaw-worthy line.