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    I’m pretty sure we refer to that era as the “mid-aughts.”

    I remember the last time they played this trick on me with the Guardians series. Not gonna get fooled again.

    “Shit! It’s Chuck Scarsdale! Hide or we’ll be on the news!” is still one of the top lines this show’s ever written and delivered.

    I really liked MoviePass as a concept - a subscription service for theaters? Rad! I signed up for it back in November and used it well (usually two movies a month with it) but they turned out to be their own worst enemy. It’s increasingly clear that their plan to strongarm the theaters into “business agreements” was a

    Now playing

    I was definitely getting “A Pirate I Was Meant To Be” vibes from the crew and the musical routines.

     “Finally a Lesson” is the episode you seek.

    Mega Man X probably has the claim to the title of “Best Mega Man.” Its only flaw is not giving you the dash at the start, and even that is minor at best. Excellent level design, excellent weapon balance, excellent music with no clunkers, and the fortress doesn’t overstay its welcome.

    People were grumpy that the 2003 series wasn’t continued and were double grumpy that Young Justice got cancelled. Throw that with the indignity of CN constantly rerunning it on the network at the expense of all other shows and people start resenting it. They don’t really hate it on its merits.

    “It never hits the anti-humor heights of the TV show, which had one episode that was entirely dedicated to learning about how renting property works

    And yet, for all of the game’s flaws, it still has some kind of oeuvre that keeps bringing me back to it. I have an unhealthy relationship with all of the games in this franchise.


    He also invented an artificial heart. A man of many talents.

    Oh, a lesson in gem biology from mister “I’m my own mother.” Let’s get the hell out of here already! Screw homeworld!

    This is also how she didn’t foresee herself fusing with Ruby.


    Hopefully Cameron worked some Ranger Tabes into this special, because she’s really knocked that role out of the park.

    You can’t recapture lightning in a bottle, Kenny! That’s what a fool believes!


    Do not be too hasty in entering that room. I had TACOOOO BEEEELLL FOR LUNCH!

    BIRDMAN, in here get!